Sunday, October 11, 2009

the pumpkins have arrived!

Originally uploaded by Kelly_Howington
This afternoon, around 20 folks gathered at the Pre-owned Jeep Store on Hwy. 20, and got their Sunday workout unloading 753 beautiful orange pumpkins from the truck. Working in lines, we passed each pumpkin from person to person, down the line until it reached its destination. The younger kids chased each other in and around the pumpkins as the youth and adults worked, and there were some adults who didn't move pumpkins, but instead acted as our cheerleaders and moral support. And it struck me, as we were out there, that moments like this are really little slices of what church is supposed to be... everyone working together on a common project to their ability, supporting and encouraging one another, struggling some, but having lots of fun in the process. And the whipped cream on our little slice of church pie? The ice cream man showed up just as we were unloading the last few pumpkins! I think we made that man's day.

If you get a chance, please come out and join us at the pumpkin patch. We'd love for you to come help, or just come and buy your pumpkin and help support camp. Maybe if you're lucky, the ice cream man will stop by then, too. I recommend the cherry slushes.
