Sunday, December 21, 2008
Let's Keep Christmas
"Although your Christmas tree decorations will include many new gadgets, such as lights with bubbles in them . . . it's the old tree decorations that mean the most . . . the ones you save carefully from year to year . . . the crooked star that you've been so careful with. And you'll bring out the tiny manger, and the shed, and the little figures of the Holy Family . . . and lovingly arrange them on the mantel or in the middle of the dining room table. And getting the tree will be a family event, with great excitement for the children . . . And there will be a closet into which you will forbid your husband to look, and he will be moving through the house mysteriously with bundles under his coat, and you'll pretend not to notice . . . There will be a fragrance of cookies baking, spices, and fruitcake . . . and the warmth of the house shall be melodious with the lilting strains of 'Silent Night, Holy Night.' And you'll listen to the wonderful Christmas music on the radio. Some of the songs will be modern - good enough music perhaps - but it will be the old carols, the lovely old Christmas hymns, that will mean the most.And forests of fir trees will march right into our living rooms . . . There will be bells on our doors and holly wreaths in our windows . . . And we shall sweep the Noel skies for their brightest colors and festoon our homes with stars. There will be a chubby stocking hung by the fireplace . . . and with finger to lip you will whisper and ask me to tip-toe, for a little tousled head is asleep and must not be awakened. And finally Christmas morning will come. Don't worry -- you'll be ready for it -- You'll catch the spirit all right, or it will catch you, which is even better. And then you will remember what Christmas means - the beginning of Christianity . . . the Second Chance for the world . . . the hope for peace . . . and the only way. The promise that the angels sang is the most wonderful music the world has ever heard. 'Peace on earth and good will toward men.' It was not a pronouncement upon the state of the world then, nor is it a reading of the international barometer of present time . . . but it is a promise -- God's promise -- of what will come to pass.The years that are gone are graveyards in which all the persuasions of men have crumbled into dust. If history has any voice, it is to say that all these ways of men lead nowhere. There remains only one way -- The Way -- untried, untested, unexplored fully . . . the way of Him Who was born a Babe in Bethlehem. In a world that seems not only to be changing, but even to be dissolving, there are tens of millions of us who want Christmas to be the same . . . with the same old greeting 'Merry Christmas' and no other. We long for the abiding love among men of good will which the season brings . . . believing in this ancient miracle of Christmas with its softening, sweetening influence to tug at our heart strings once again. We want to hold on to the old customs and traditions because they strengthen our family ties, bind us to our friends, make us one with all mankind for whom the Child was born, and bring us back again to the God Who gave His only begotten son, that 'whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.'
So we will not 'spend' Christmas . . .nor 'observe' Christmas.We will 'keep' Christmas -- keep it as it is . . .in all loveliness of its ancient traditions.May we keep it in our hearts,that we may be kept in its hope."
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The Season Of Giving
Kelly Howington
Director - Cherokee Retreat Center
877-647-8542 - Toll Free
770-608-3564 - Cell Phone
678-918-3387 - Fax - email web Youtube CRC Blog
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Camp Cherokee On The Chopping Block
Kelly Howington
Director - Cherokee Retreat Center
877-647-8542 - Toll Free
770-608-3564 - Cell Phone
Thursday, October 09, 2008
American Camp Association Accredited

This evening it was my pleasure to find out that from all our hard work this year and this summer, Cherokee Retreat Center/Camp Cherokee has indeed earned the ACA Accreditation. This is a big deal in the camping world as ACA is the only nationally accrediting body and the standards required of each camp are quite in-depth. I am proud of both our summer staff and the RMD members who contributed significantly to this accomplishment!
Let's Celebrate!
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Where is God's Place in MySpace?
We get so caught up with school, sports, friends, parties, family and more, that we often forget about making space for God in the midst of our busy
lives. Some of us don’t even take the time to actually talk to our friends because all we have to do is read about what they are up to on their MySpace pages. How can we learn to build more personal relationships with our friends, and more importantly, how can we make space for God in our lives?
Come join us for the Middle School Retreat at Camp Cherokee the weekend of February 27-March 1, 2009 and invite a friend to SHARE THIS SPACE!
Register Online Today at
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Don't Let The Sun Go Down!
Monday, September 15, 2008
A Time For Every Season
Then and there, time stood still as it still does for so many young people who call Camp Cherokee their summer home. It is a bit hard to explain, but there truly is "Camp Time" and "Real World" time. In camp time, counselors hang on your every word, thrust open their arms to the most awkward of individuals with warm Christian love and every step that is taken is undoubtedly hand in hand with our Lord Jesus Christ. During "Real World" time, it is sometimes less obvious where the divine resides in the crammed schedules, distracted classmates and sometime indifferent adults. But as summer camp leaders, ours is perhaps one of the most noble of ministries. We are the weavers of dreams, the constant playmates, the purest and most reachable of role models in difficult times. Simplicity in living is our creed and our singular focus is on the development of a solid foundation in Christian community and love. From a week or two at Camp Cherokee, our campers can take a year's worth of eneregy back to their homes and shine the light of Christ more brilliantly than before. We augment and amplify the valuable work of the "home Church" and to so many with no church home, we are their rock in a sea of over marketed information overload. still and know that Christ is with you.
Every year I miss the summer that has just concluded, but that mountain top gives me such a great view of the dips and rises of the rest of the year, without it I would be lost in the valleys with little reason to cast my eyes heavenward. As the leaves begin to fall and we break out the firewood for the lodge, the embers will continue to glow in my heart until the next summer approaches when it will truly only take a spark to get the fire going again.
Shine on Camp Cherokee 2008, Shine ON!
Friday, August 08, 2008
Mission Revisited...
I wasn't sure what to expect. Would the floor still be shiny and new? Would the flower beds need weeding? Had Andy remembered to water everything? How was the kitchen paint holding up? Had the new cabinets arrived yet?
Our family of five rode north on I-75 spontaneously bursting out in excitement every couple of miles...
"I can't wait to see the white kitchen walls!" said Lily-Kate (our 9 year old daughter who had spent a whole.lot.of.time in the kitchen during our FPC Mission to Cherokee Retreat Center).
"I can't wait to see the floor!" said Trevor (my husband who spent hours and hours upon his knees installing the new floor).
I couldn't wait to see it all - the flower beds, the painted walls, the new rug and the bright trim. I just kept looking out the window and thinking about the week that we'd spent there. How exhausted, how frustrated, how much paint (!!!).
"I can't wait to see my friends!" burst Joe (our teen age son who'd spent most of his time doing anything he was asked to do during our mission trip... and perfecting his lip synching techniques for the talent show night).
In a matter of a second, Joe had put things to right about the whole project. Yes, we'd worked, sweat, hammered, gardened, painted, painted and painted but in the end, what we'd done - what we remembered - was the time that we'd spent with friends.
A sense of thankfulness came over me. Joe had reminded me (as I sat in my typical task oriented - list management - Martha, Martha, Martha mode) about the real blessings from our Spring Break mission trip at Cherokee Retreat Center.
It's a truth you can count on, friends: when you let God stretch you to do His work - no matter how frustrating or unplanned the work may be - one of the real blessings that He showers upon you are friendships: the ones that He strengthens, the ones that He renews and the ones that come into your life that weren't there before.
Suddenly, we could not get there fast enough.
Just to see our friends.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Handle With Care
I have been blessed to spend this summer on staff as the Summer Assistant Director and look forward to our remaining weeks of welcoming children into the arms of a loving, creative and dynamic staff in GOD'S SANCTUARY!!!!
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
FW: Hey Y'all...
I wanted to share with you all a fantastic camp opportunity that my children are really looking forward to this summer. Katherine and Michael are attending Camp Cherokee which is the Cherokee Presbytery of Northwest Georgia's Summer Camp retreat facility. (You don’t have to be Presbyterian to attend.) It is a 5 night 6 day sleep away camp and the retreat center is located on 100 acres on the shores of Lake Alatoona.
Katherine went last year and Michael is attending this year for the first time. He saw how much fun Kat had and can't wait to go. Its like youth group/vbs all week long!! I wanted to tell all of y'all about it, because although they will see some of their church friends, they would love for their school friends to know about this, too.
Read the description below and check out the website. Ask me any questions about it and I'll be happy to talk to you. Kat and Michael are registered for Discovery the week of July 6-11.
If enough people are interested, the director, Kelly Howington can come to my house to hold an information meeting which promises to be an amazing time.
Talk to you soon.
Nancy Mangiante
“Cherokee Retreat Center and all of it's staff seek to create opportunities for Christian growth while living in a caring, safe, fun Christian community and environment. With God's guidance, we seek to play a positive role in nurturing children, youth and adult's faith in Jesus Christ, through creative Bible study, worship, interacting with creation, encouraging self-awareness and sensitivity towards others.”
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Hey Y'all...
I wanted to share with you all a fantastic camp opportunity that my children are really looking forward to this summer. Katherine and Michael are attending Camp Cherokee which is the Cherokee Presbytery of Northwest Georgia's Summer Camp retreat facility. (You don’t have to be Presbyterian to attend.) It is a 5 night 6 day sleep away camp and the retreat center is located on 100 acres on the shores of Lake Alatoona.
Katherine went last year and Michael is attending this year for the first time. He saw how much fun Kat had and can't wait to go. Its like youth group/vbs all week long!! I wanted to tell all of y'all about it, because although they will see some of their church friends, they would love for their school friends to know about this, too.
Read the description below and check out the website. Ask me any questions about it and I'll be happy to talk to you. Kat and Michael are registered for Discovery the week of July 6-11.
If enough people are interested, the director, Kelly Howington can come to my house to hold an information meeting which promises to be an amazing time.
Talk to you soon.
Nancy Mangiante
“Cherokee Retreat Center and all of it's staff seek to create opportunities for Christian growth while living in a caring, safe, fun Christian community and environment. With God's guidance, we seek to play a positive role in nurturing children, youth and adult's faith in Jesus Christ, through creative Bible study, worship, interacting with creation, encouraging self-awareness and sensitivity towards others.”
Summer Is Just Around The Corner!
the summer program at Cherokee Retreat Center, but summer planning and
preparation are well underway for this summer's program. Brochures and
registration forms are currently being disbursed among the congregations of
Cherokee Presbytery, and with them Cherokee Retreat Center is sending out a
plea for help. As is tradition, volunteers play a vital role in the life of
the camp. Both adult volunteers and Counselors In Training are needed to
help fulfill the mission of Camp Cherokee. We are especially looking for
anyone with skills in such areas as craft making, outdoor living, games
leadership, singing and silliness! If you or someone you know are willing
to serve in this unique and memorable mission opportunity, please contact
the Cherokee Presbytery office as soon as possible. Please contact Kelly
Howington, Cherokee Retreat Center/Summer Camp Director either by phone:
(770) 386-6280 or by email at HYPERLINK
Remember, this year you can register online at HYPERLINK
"" so
register today!
Kelly Howington
Director- Cherokee Retreat Center/Camp Cherokee
Cell: 770-608-3564
Presbytery: 770-382-6280
Fax: 770-382-7804
"...each is given a bag of tools, a shapeless mass a book of rules, and each
must make, ere life is flown, a stumbling block.....or stepping stone..."
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7:46 AM
Monday, May 05, 2008
Challenge Camp & Sr. High Connection
come out and take part in Camp Cherokee's awesome games, hiking, boating,
swimming, Bible Study, nature study, crafts, singing and fun! Nurture your
creative spirit! Take time to play! Strengthen your relationships with
others and with God in this spirit- filled week that just might change your
life! And if you are more of an adrenaline junkie, we've planned a special
outdoor experience for those who are ready for a challenge! Past Challenge
Camps have included such activities as horseback riding, whitewater rafting,
and breathtaking hikes in the wilderness. While this week begins and ends at
Cherokee Retreat Center, every day in between is full of exciting fun, great
fellowship, tent camping and outdoor cooking. Join us this summer for an
all-new line up of Challenge/Wilderness experiences that will not only get
your adrenaline pumping, but also serve as an unforgettable reminder of the
beauty and power of God's creation. While these sessions are just around the
corner, there is still room for your budding adult. For more information on
these life changing sessions, please contact the Cherokee Retreat Center
Director, Kelly Howington at the Cherokee Presbytery office: (770) 382-6280
or by email at HYPERLINK
Remember you can also register online today and save your child's spot
immediately at HYPERLINK
"" !
Kelly Howington
Director- Cherokee Retreat Center/Camp Cherokee
Cell: 770-608-3564
Presbytery: 770-382-6280
Fax: 770-382-7804
"...each is given a bag of tools, a shapeless mass a book of rules, and each
must make, ere life is flown, a stumbling block.....or stepping stone..."
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6:01 AM
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Summer Camp
Summer camp is just around the corner and we hope everyone will continue to encourage as many young people as possible to sign up for a session or two. I am excited to be a part of the Culture Camp session that will be June 4-7th and is for children who are internationally adopted. This is our 8th summer to partner with Cherokee Retreat Center for this amazing camp and we are always looking for more camp registrations. We are also in partnership with Holt International, Lutheran Services of Georgia, and Families First - all leaders in the field of international adoption.
Come join us!!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
AMAZING PHOTOS!! I can't even believe it is the same place, you must be so pleased. What an answer to prayer! Looking forward to our work weekend out there!
FW: What a difference a week makes...
What a wonderful newsletter! Just wanted you to send Jessica Gamble a
note that Westminster certainly was affected by the fruits of her labors and
that she should certainly feel satisfied. (She wrote if she affected one
person she would be truly satisfied) Tell her that has certainly been
accomplished. We enjoyed the retreat at Camp Cherokee so much this past
weekend. The Lodge was beautiful! And the weather was perfect! Thanks for
working us in. Anita, Joe, Brad Barris, and myself inspected the cabins
before we left on Saturday and I hope Joe will let you know that we would
like to adopt the Red Cabin (if you are looking at the pavillion, it is the
first cabin on the right.) Joe is in charge of this so I'll let him tell
you. Tee Hee. Thanks again for your hospitality. Camp Cherokee is such a
wonderful blessing to our Presbytery. Thank you for your hard work!
Susan Henley - Westminster PCUSA
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7:26 AM
FPC Cartersville Kudos
If We Affect One Person...
As I headed up to Cherokee Retreat Center, I was ready to spread Christ’s light. We had a lot to get done. We gave a woderful place a renewel. I will always hold Cherokee close to my heart, because I know our work will effect hundreds of kids coming for a wonderful time at camp. I cannot wait to see the effect of all our hard work. If we affect one person, I will be truly sastisfied.
-thanks, Jessica Gamble
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Testing it with a photo!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Mission Field CRC
I am now totally exhausted, but at the same time in awe and inspired. Last week, FPC Marietta chose to change their mission trip destination from New Orleans to Cherokee Retreat Center. While talking to Dan Valentine and Debbie Peterson about the details, it was as if I were in a dream world. For over three years I have been working hard to get the ministry at Cherokee Retreat Center in the lime light of Cherokee Presbytery and in the last few weeks it seems that finally all our hard work has begun to pay off. Marietta came out and did some fantastic work, Sixes road is planning on coming out to revamp the challenge course, PW recently gathered and gave a heap of decor items, Westminster is planning to adopt a cabin....the list goes on. It would seem that our churches are waking up to the fact that this ministry simply cannot work without the body of faith's participation and sense of ownership.