I love Advent. The anticipation, the family, the joyous celabration make even dreary rainy days and bad economic projections light up wih optimism and life. Over the last several weeks, a great deal of work has been going on to reorganize the leadership of Cherokee Retreat Center while also working hard to secure the financial plan for the next 12 months. We are by no means through the woods on this, lots more MUST be done, however, the giving of time and dollars has litterally moved me to tears of thanksgiving. To date, we have had $10,000 committed in a matching arrangement, so for every dollar that you send in today there will be double that amount for us to use as we get into the new year. That's $20,000 of the estimated additional $50,000 needed to keep us on track financially through next year. What's more, in a time when everyone is stretched too thin and to far, we have also had an outpouring of volunteer leadership support. Our last Division meeting welcomed a host of newcomers showing support and ready to serve. The first meeting of the newly formed "Friends Of Camp Cherokee" group was graced with nearly 30 people of a WIDE range of ages and backgrounds. Camp Cherokee/CRC has truly touched the lives of countless souls!
Now is the time for us to continue to give back to this ministry that has given so much to us all. Our goals here are to continue to build the new Board of Directors and Friends Group, to raise the remainder of the funds needed for the 2009 budget year and to increase our campers attendance and rentals by a significant margin this year. When we meet these goals, we will be able to look back at this past few weeks and celebrate in the goodness of our maker. At every such turning poinnt in my own life, I have been graced with Just Enough to get to the next step in my ministry, but without Camp Cherokee I probably wouldn't have been able to recognize the resources that have been provided to me both practical and spiritual which have been so pivotal. I have no doubt that God is at work here, educating, motivating and celebrating His success through our witness to Him!
1 comment:
Christ retreat centers lithis one is what we need due to the so many work wee need to relax a bit.
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